How to improve your recruitment processes?
There are different reasons for which people leave their jobs. Some leave their current job for one that pays more and probably has better working conditions, while others leave to start a business or become freelancers. Freelancing has become quite popular today, thanks to the pandemic that hit last year. It brings some level of freedom that many people seem to enjoy, and it also allows people to focus on other important areas of their life.

But regardless of the reason for which people quit their jobs, vacant positions have to be filled and this keeps recruiters busy, perhaps, busier than they would like to be. You see, for highly desirable positions, recruiters sometimes get applications that run into the thousands. Having to deal with so many applications is no easy job, especially as most hiring teams often consist of only a few people.
With so many applications, the hiring process can quickly become inefficient, especially when fatigue sets in. But aside from automation tools for recruitment, there are other ways by which the recruitment process can be made a lot less stressful. In this article, we’ll discuss a few of them.
Include Must-Haves in Job Descriptions
As we mentioned earlier, highly desirable vacant positions get lots and lots of applications, and they sometimes run into the thousands. Very often, the quality of these applications isn’t impressive as many applicants just aren’t qualified or suitable for the role. But this can be remedied by including must-haves in job descriptions.
By stating that only applications from candidates who possess certain skills, experiences, and qualifications would be considered, most applicants who do not meet these criteria won’t apply. In fact, studies have shown that women are less likely to apply for jobs that they do not meet 100% of the requirement, while men will only apply for jobs if they meet at least 60% of the requirement.
This approach not only reduces the number of applications but also improves the quality of those that do come in. Following this strategy, recruiters can kill two birds with one stone; saving time and cutting hiring costs.
Create a Referral Program
Companies can tap into their employees’ network by creating an employee referral program that acts as an incentive for recommending qualified candidates. This works just like every other referral program. When a candidate that was recommended by an employee is employed, the employee gets a reward.
Companies should definitely take advantage of this because employees may have friends and family that might just be the perfect candidate. This option not only saves money, and perhaps time, it is also a way to reward employees and keep them even more engaged.
We should mention that employers may want to be a little more creative with these incentives. Cash rewards are very common, and some employees may not be inspired. But something as interesting as a weekend getaway with a plus one is fancier and overall, a better package. By visiting someplace new, employees can create new, fun memories, meet new people, and experience so many things.
Know Where to Find the Candidates You Want
For the hiring process to be a lot faster, it is important for recruiters to know where to look to find the type of candidates they want. For instance, companies will better their chances of finding an entry-level candidate if they follow a social media recruitment strategy. But for more seasoned professionals with years of experience, looking at more traditional job boards is more ideal.
By looking at the right places, you’re more likely to find the right candidate and take a shorter time doing so. This helps to save money and keep the recruitment process simple.
Consider Internal Candidates
Sometimes, the right person is already a part of the company, but employers aren’t looking. Before throwing the vacant position open to outsiders, look within the company to see if there’s an employee that could fill in the position.
This not only cuts hiring costs but the onboarding process may also be skipped since the employee already knows the company’s work culture and how it operates. Perhaps, more importantly, is the fact this sends the right message to employees as it shows them that they are valued by the company. Click here to learn more about why it is important for companies to show employees that they are valued.
Final Thoughts
There are other ways by which recruiters can lessen the burden when hiring. For example, they could streamline their application process or build a talent pipeline. By building a talent pipeline, we mean sourcing top candidates for positions with a high turnover before they are even needed. This way, when those positions do become vacant, recruiters already have several candidates that can fill them just fine.