Story of Igor Yermakov

Live consciously for the good of all people – Success Story of Igor Yermakov

The method of healing called “Healing impulse” allows you to combine material success with the wisdom of creative intentions.

Every person, achieving success at their absolute peaks, passes through a lot of temptations – power, wealth, glory – while not everyone copes with such temptations. However, there are exceptions.

Igor Yermakov is an example of the embodiment of soul and spiritual beauty, which, having abandoned pride and vanity, remained a simple man who lives sacrificial love for the benefit of other people. He managed to combine business with a harmonious family life and sports.

Story of Igor Yermakov

He is an exemplary family man who loves his family more than anything else in the world and is always careful and attentive to both his wife and daughter, doing everything possible so that a happy smile does not go away from their lips.

I got a chance to interview him where he told his secrets of success and prosperity, explaining a technique that will help and inspire many people in their path of lives.

Question #1: Igor, you are a successful businessman, who works in many fields: marketing, advertising, cryptocurrencies, innovations, start-ups.

It is known that you have earned a fairly solid capital thanks to the Bitcoin exchange rate, why your priority is to live for the good of people, as this is a great rarity in our time?

Igor: Every person consciously or unconsciously feels the need to do good things and help others. This is our soul. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time since I was looking for a new way by finding people who share these aspirations with me. I visited numerous training (Brian Tracy, Bodo Schafer, Tom Schreiter, Tony Robbins) and I organized a lot of training courses myself. In 2010, after I have heard the “Open Heart” lecture from Goltis at the “The Healing Impulse” seminar, my life completely changed.

At that time, I learned the top priorities in the life of every person who deeply affected not only my soul but also the souls of hundreds of people who were present in the hall. I understood everything that I had long striven for. The main motivation for any sane person with an unhardened soul is to be an example and live for their children.

And the happiness is not that you can give your child all their materialistic benefits, leaving a legacy of golden castles, islands or expensive cars. The child, regardless of the financial situation, will still live in a society that is poisoned with profanity, condemnation, pessimism, disbelief in God, an unhealthy ecology – all of these things kidnap the real childhood of our children.

And what do we leave for them? What inheritance is it, if now our children already swim in the rivers or lakes that are poisoned, they can not go to the forest to meet the sunrise and to listen to the singing of birds.

Each of us is responsible for multiplying the human-made and miraculous beauty created by the Creator, and also to preserve the cultural heritage of our ancestors for future generations. These rare postulates, voiced by Goltis, have forever taken root in my heart, and we all became fans of this author’s method of healing.

Question #2: In my childhood, I watched the transmissions of the Equites Team, and I know Goltis as the founder of the team (of professional travellers). Tell me, what is the “Healing impulse” that has changed your life so much?

Igor: The Healing Impulse is a holistic methodology that includes five constituent parts:

  1. A spiritual beginning or an open heart, which is the dominant basis of the whole system.
  2. Physical exercises, which give a greater effect on the depth study and the development of all muscular systems than on the most modern simulators of the world.
  3. Fundamentals of proper nutrition.
  4. Fasting and starvation.
  5. Hardening.

Question #3: Tell us, what has motivated you to start studying the method of “healing impulse”? It’s no secret that many people are being promoted to serious diseases in the search for possible healing systems. What is your story?

Igor: No, I have never had any health problems, I’ve always been involved in sports – hand-to-hand combat, jeet kune do (Bruce Lee style), athletics, diving, canoeing, studying surfing in Thailand, and actually, I’m not so old yet – I was born in 1977.

Nevertheless, in the period of active business training, in constant haste and in the daily bustle that practically every person encounters in the modern world, sooner or later you feel the endurance at the end, the exhaustion of energy and power, the fading vitality.

At some point, I began to wonder: What should I do? Do I need to work out in the gym to regain strength, health and energy? Trainers are good, but I did not want to spend time on the road to the gym and back, depending on the trainer schedule, once again to stand in traffic jams. At this very moment, as it happens in life, I’ve heard that a Goltis seminar will take place in Kiev.

I attended the seminar; I was inspired by Goltis energy as well as impressed that the “Healing impulse” is not only a complex of physical exercises but a whole system of a special worldview that covers all aspects of a person’s life – from physical health to spiritual purification and development.

It doesn’t matter who you are – a doctor, a director of a company, or a student. “Healing impulse” has amazing properties – it can unite people, help to find “soul mates”, strengthen health, character, develop skills such as strength, patience, endurance. “Impulse” makes people more resistant to negative factors of the external environment. I attended the first seminar in 2010 and since then started to follow the “Impulse” constantly, without missing training, it has become an integral part of my life.

My wife and I are happy to attend Goltis seminars in different countries – in Mauritius, Maldives, Thailand, and Indonesia. Besides, the seminars and master classes are held in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and many other countries for 9 years.

Everyone who visits them gets a lot of knowledge as it takes an effective and safe system of health-improving physical exercises, allowing one to be acquainted with being simple and understandable. Yet very effective nutrition rules, and beginning to understand how hardening and fasting can positively influence the human body. Thanks to Goltis, I acquired all this knowledge and learned to transfer all this into practice.

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